SQL Report

Page generated in 0.0309 seconds with 11 queries + 4 queries returning data from cache

Time spent on mysqli queries: 0.01096s | Time spent on PHP: 0.01994s

Query #1
IdSelect TypeTablePartitionsTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsFilteredExtra
1SIMPLEnbb_config refis_dynamicis_dynamic1const23100.00 

Before: 0.00346s | After: 0.00359s | Elapsed: 0.00013s

Query #2
IdSelect TypeTablePartitionsTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsFilteredExtra
1SIMPLE         no matching row in const table

Before: 0.00682s | After: 0.00696s | Elapsed: 0.00014s

Query #3
IdSelect TypeTablePartitionsTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsFilteredExtra
1SIMPLEnbb_users constPRIMARYPRIMARY4const1100.00 

Before: 0.00736s | After: 0.00749s | Elapsed: 0.00013s

Query results obtained from the cache

Before: 0.00770s | After: 0.00774s | Elapsed [cache]: 0.00005s | Elapsed [db]: 0.00010s

Query #5

Affected rows: 0 | Before: 0.00780s | After: 0.00790s | Elapsed: 0.00010s

Query #6

Before: 0.00796s | After: 0.00818s | Elapsed: 0.00022s

Query #7
IdSelect TypeTablePartitionsTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsFilteredExtra
1SIMPLEnbb_sessions rangesession_time,session_user_idsession_time4 1127050.00Using index condition; Using where

Before: 0.00839s | After: 0.01721s | Elapsed: 0.00882s

Query results obtained from the cache

Before: 0.01821s | After: 0.01825s | Elapsed [cache]: 0.00004s | Elapsed [db]: 0.00006s

Query #9
IdSelect TypeTablePartitionsTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsFilteredExtra
1SIMPLEf ALL    129100.00Using filesort

Before: 0.01868s | After: 0.01923s | Elapsed: 0.00055s

Query results obtained from the cache

Before: 0.02259s | After: 0.02263s | Elapsed [cache]: 0.00005s | Elapsed [db]: 0.00015s

Query #11
IdSelect TypeTablePartitionsTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsFilteredExtra
1SIMPLEg rangegroup_legend_namegroup_legend_name3 2100.00Using index condition
1SIMPLEug refgroup_id,user_iduser_id4const1100.00Using where

Before: 0.02703s | After: 0.02716s | Elapsed: 0.00014s

Query #12
IdSelect TypeTablePartitionsTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsFilteredExtra
1SIMPLEu rangeuser_birthday,user_typeuser_birthday32 177.36Using index condition; Using where
1SIMPLEb refban_userban_user4sunphu_newforum.u.user_id1100.00Using where; Using index

Before: 0.02752s | After: 0.02765s | Elapsed: 0.00013s

Query #13
IdSelect TypeTablePartitionsTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsFilteredExtra
1SIMPLEs rangesession_time,session_user_idsession_time4 26850.00Using index condition; Using where

Before: 0.02811s | After: 0.02865s | Elapsed: 0.00054s

Query #14
IdSelect TypeTablePartitionsTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsFilteredExtra
1SIMPLEs rangesession_time,session_user_idsession_user_id4 22.50Using index condition; Using where

Before: 0.02882s | After: 0.02890s | Elapsed: 0.00008s

Query results obtained from the cache

Before: 0.02911s | After: 0.02915s | Elapsed [cache]: 0.00004s | Elapsed [db]: 0.00009s