SQL Report

Page generated in 0.0489 seconds with 20 queries + 4 queries returning data from cache

Time spent on mysqli queries: 0.00995s | Time spent on PHP: 0.03893s

Query #1
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra

Before: 0.00683s | After: 0.00705s | Elapsed: 0.00023s

Query #2
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
1SIMPLE       Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

Before: 0.01502s | After: 0.01535s | Elapsed: 0.00034s

Query #3
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra

Before: 0.01620s | After: 0.01645s | Elapsed: 0.00024s

Query results obtained from the cache

Before: 0.01675s | After: 0.01682s | Elapsed [cache]: 0.00008s | Elapsed [db]: 0.00018s

Query #5

Affected rows: 0 | Before: 0.01690s | After: 0.01710s | Elapsed: 0.00019s

Query #6

Before: 0.01720s | After: 0.01744s | Elapsed: 0.00024s

Query #7
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
1SIMPLEnbb_sessionsALLsession_time,session_user_id   2341Using where

Before: 0.01776s | After: 0.01902s | Elapsed: 0.00126s

Query results obtained from the cache

Before: 0.02081s | After: 0.02087s | Elapsed [cache]: 0.00006s | Elapsed [db]: 0.00016s

Query #9
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra

Before: 0.02179s | After: 0.02200s | Elapsed: 0.00022s

Query #10
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
1SIMPLEugrangegroup_id,user_iduser_id4 2Using index condition; Using where

Before: 0.02230s | After: 0.02256s | Elapsed: 0.00026s

Query #11
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
1SIMPLE       Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

Before: 0.02607s | After: 0.02618s | Elapsed: 0.00012s

Query #12
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra

Before: 0.02640s | After: 0.02653s | Elapsed: 0.00013s

Query #13
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
1SIMPLEfALL    129Using where
1SIMPLEfarefPRIMARYPRIMARY3sunphu_newforum.f.forum_id1Using where; Using index

Before: 0.02703s | After: 0.02730s | Elapsed: 0.00027s

Query #14
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
1SIMPLEnbb_langreflang_isolang_iso92const1Using where; Using index

Before: 0.02788s | After: 0.02800s | Elapsed: 0.00012s

Query #15
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
1SIMPLEfALLPRIMARY   13Using where; Using filesort

Before: 0.02827s | After: 0.02853s | Elapsed: 0.00026s

Query #16
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra

Before: 0.02881s | After: 0.02894s | Elapsed: 0.00013s

Query #17
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
1SIMPLEaoconstPRIMARY,auth_optionauth_option152const1Using index
1SIMPLEarefuser_id,auth_option_id,auth_role_idauth_option_id3const1Using where

Before: 0.03029s | After: 0.03053s | Elapsed: 0.00024s

Query #18
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
1SIMPLEaoconstPRIMARY,auth_optionauth_option152const1Using index

Before: 0.03081s | After: 0.03103s | Elapsed: 0.00022s

Query #19
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
1SIMPLEaoconstPRIMARY,auth_optionauth_option152const1Using index
1SIMPLEarefgroup_id,auth_opt_id,auth_role_idauth_opt_id3const1Using where
1SIMPLEugrefgroup_id,user_id,group_leaderuser_id4const1Using where
1SIMPLEgeq_refPRIMARYPRIMARY3sunphu_newforum.a.group_id1Using where

Before: 0.03147s | After: 0.03176s | Elapsed: 0.00028s

Query #20
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
1SIMPLEaoconstPRIMARY,auth_optionauth_option152const1Using index
1SIMPLEugrefgroup_id,user_id,group_leaderuser_id4const1Using where
1SIMPLEgeq_refPRIMARYPRIMARY3sunphu_newforum.ug.group_id1Using where

Before: 0.03213s | After: 0.03702s | Elapsed: 0.00489s

Query #21
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
1SIMPLEnbb_banlistrefban_end,ban_userban_end4const1Using where

Before: 0.03738s | After: 0.03753s | Elapsed: 0.00015s

Query #22
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
1SIMPLEnbb_postsrangeposter_id,post_visibilitypost_visibility1 2Using index condition; Using where

Before: 0.04108s | After: 0.04125s | Elapsed: 0.00017s

Query results obtained from the cache

Before: 0.04171s | After: 0.04178s | Elapsed [cache]: 0.00007s | Elapsed [db]: 0.00021s

Query results obtained from the cache

Before: 0.04383s | After: 0.04418s | Elapsed [cache]: 0.00034s | Elapsed [db]: 0.00048s